IEEE NANO 2015 logo



27 - 30 JULY 2015 | ROME (ITALY)


July 27, 2015

9:00-12:30 11 Gianluca Fiori
Giuseppe Iannaccone


The research community has great expectations for 2D materials, since they represent one of the most promising options towards the flexible electronics revolution. However, many issues still remain unsolved, and the set of materials is very broad and poorly characterized. Therefore, simulation-based investigations are a powerful tool in order to guide and inform progress in the field.

This tutorial will focus on electron devices based on 2D-materials, on the assessment of their expected performance, and on technology exploration through numerical simulations.

Several devices based on 2D-materials have indeed already been proposed, fabricated, and measured in experiments. However, a lot of work is needed to evaluate their possible performance in electronic systems, and their compliance with Semiconductor Industry requirements for the next 15 years.

Within this tutorial, we will first provide an overview of state-of-the-art devices based on 2D materials, ranging from digital (high-performance and low-power devices), to analog (i.e., radio frequency applications) as well as opto-electronics applications. We will then discuss the physical models suitable to describe the electrical behavior of 2D-devices (e.g., classical and quantum transport models), which will be then exploited in order to provide performance projections. Finally, we will propose some simple simulations to be run by means of the open-source NanoTCAD ViDES code.


  1. Electron devices based on 2D materials: State of the art

  2. Modeling of devices based on 2D materials:

    1. Semiclassical models
    2. Quantum transport models: the NEGF approach
  3. Assessment of device performance through device modeling

  4. Simulations of 2D-materials through the NanoTCAD ViDES code

Gianluca Fiori

University of Pisa  | ITALY

Gianluca Fiori received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the Universita` di Pisa, Pisa, Italy, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. In autumn 2002, he visited Silvaco International, developing quantum models, which are currently implemented in the commercial simulator Atlas by Silvaco. In summers 2004, 2005, and 2008, he visited Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA, where he worked on models for the simulation of transport in nanoscaled devices. Since December 2007, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Universita` di Pisa. His main field of activity includes the development of models and codes for the simulations of ultrascaled semiconductor devices, with particular focus on two-dimensional materials based transistors. G.F. is the leading developer of the open-source code NanoTCAD ViDES ( More information available at .

Giuseppe Iannaccone

University of Pisa  | ITALY

Giuseppe Iannaccone is Professor of Electronics at the University of Pisa, Italy, and IEEE Fellow. His interests include transport and noise in nanoelectronic and mesoscopic devices, the development of device modeling and TCAD tools, and the design of extremely low-power circuits and systems for RFID and ambient intelligence scenarios. He has published more than 170 papers in peer-reviewed journals and more than 130 papers in proceedings of international conferences. Giuseppe Iannaccone has coordinated a few European and National Projects involving multiple partners and has acted as the Principal Investigator in several research projects funded by public agencies at the European and National levels and by private organizations. Prior to joining the University of Pisa in 1996, G. Iannaccone was a researcher with the Italian National Research Council. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Pisa in 1992 and 1996, respectively. Visit him at .


Nanotechnology has potentials for epochal developments in various areas of science and technology. In particular, novel nano-materials, quantum devices, and nano-scale technologies are leading to fundamental changes in electronics, due to their new and intriguing properties. RF Nanoelectronics represents an emerging branch of nanotechnology, aimed at bridging the gap between the nanosciences and a new generation of multifunctional devices, circuits, and systems, for a broad range of applications and operating frequencies, up to the optical region. The lectures presents an overview of some of the main research fields of RF nanoelectronics, by i) introducing new 1D-1D nanoscale materials, ii) exploring their physics and theoretical foundations, iii) presenting novel device concepts and unprecedented applications. A particular focus is also devoted to the iv) investigation of the combined quantum transport and electrodynamics phenomena and the development of advanced computational techniques aimed a bridging from atomistic (discrete) to device (continuum) level.

Luca Pierantoni

University of Marche & Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN)  | ITALY

Luca Pierantoni received the "Laurea" degree (summa cum laude) in Electronics Engineering in 1988 and the Ph.D. degree in 1993 in Electromagnetics from the University of Ancona, Italy.

From 1996 to 1999 he worked at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, in the Institute of High‐ Frequency Engineering as Senior Research Scientist.
Presently, he is Professor at the Department of Information Technology at the Polytechnic University of Marche.
His current research interests are in the i) the investigation and modeling of the combined Maxwell‐quantum transport in nano‐materials/devices, ii) the analysis of quantum transport and electrodynamics in nanostructures, iii) the development of computational techniques and numerical tools for the multi‐physics modeling of meso‐ and nano‐scale devices, including transport, electromagnetics, thermal effects, opto‐mechanics, opto‐electronics.
He is:

  • IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) Distinguished Lecturer

  • IEEE MTT‐S Distinguished Microwave Lecturer (DML) and DML Emeritus

  • IEEE - EuMA European Microwave Lecturer (EML)

  • Member of the Nanotechnology Council (NTC) AdCom

  • Member of the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN)

  • Associate Editor of the IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology (T‐NANO)

  • Associate Editor of the IEEE Nanotechnology Express (ENANO) Letter

  • Author or co‐author of more than 250 research papers in leading journals and international conferences.


This talk will set the stage for understanding and appreciating the latest advances and central challenges in photovoltaics research. Over the long term, nanotechnology is expected to enable improvements throughout the energy sector, but the most striking near- to mid-term opportunities may be in lower-cost, higher-efficiency conversion of sunlight to electric power. Nanostructures in solar cells have multiple approaches by which they can improve photovoltaic performance: (1) New physical approaches in order to reach thermodynamic limits; (2) Allow solar cells to more closely approximate their material-dependent thermodynamic limits; and (3) Provide new routes for low-cost fabrication by self-assembly or design of new materials. We focus primarily on the first two approaches which have the goal of increasing efficiency. Several different approaches will be described that circumvent long-held physical assumptions and lead beyond first- and second-generation solar cell technologies. Special emphasis will be on a novel nanostructure-based devices based on advanced concepts such as hot carrier cells, intermediate band and multi-exciton generation, which have the theoretical basis to realize high efficiency energy conversion. We also discuss the role nanotechnology in improving light trapping and the light collection properties of solar cells. We also focus on the effects that surfaces and interfaces play in nanostructured solar cells, and how to reduce parasitic carrier recombination effects through passivation.

Stephen M. Goodnick

Arizona State University  | USA

Stephen M. Goodnick received his Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, in 1983, respectively. He was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow with the Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, and the University of Modena, Modena, Italy, in 1985 and 1986, respectively. He served as Chair and Professor of Electrical Engineering with Arizona State University, Tempe, from 1996 to 2005. He served as Associate Vice President for Research for Arizona State University from 2006-2008, and presently serves as Deputy Director of ASU Lightworks. Professionally, he is currently serving as Past-President (2012-2013) of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council, and served as President of IEEE Eta Kappa Nu Electrical and Computer Engineering Honor Society Board of Governors, 2011-2012. He has published over 350 journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceeding, and is a Fellow of IEEE (2004) for contributions to carrier transport fundamentals and semiconductor devices.


If you had access to interactive modeling and simulation tools that run in any browser, could you introduce interactive learning into your classes? If you had easy access tools, which need no installation, could you use them to help guide your experiments? If you did not have to worry about compute cycles, would you benchmark your own tools against other state-of-the-art approaches? If you had your own tools and could easily share them with the community, would you do it?

This short course will provide an overview of these processes and their impact as they are supported on today. If you have never been on, learn how it might help you; if you have used it, learn about new and upcoming features and share your story with the nanoHUB team and other participants.

Annually, nanoHUB provides a library of 4,600+ learning resources to 330,000+ users worldwide. Its 360+ simulation tools, free from the limitations of running software locally, are used in the cloud by over 12,000 annually. Its impact is demonstrated by 1,200+ citations to nanoHUB in the scientific literature with over 17,600 secondary citations, yielding an h-index of 62, and by a median time from publication of a research simulation program to classroom use of less than 6 months. Cumulatively, over 24,600 students in over 1,260 formal classes in over 185 institutions have used 210 nanoHUB simulation tools. is a virtual nanotechnology user facility funded by the National Science Foundation and supports the National Nanotechnology Initiative with a highly successful cyber-infrastructure. has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation since 2002 to serve the nanotechnology community.

nanohub overview

Figure 1. (a) annual nanoHUB user map superposed on NASA’s world at night. Red circles designate users viewing lectures, tutorials, or homework assignments. Yellow dots are users of simulation. Green dots indicate authors of over 1,200 scientific publications citing nanoHUB. Dot size corresponds to the number of users, and lines show author-to-author connections proving intense research collaboration networks. (b) U.S. enlarged. (c) a collage of typical nanoHUB interactive tool sessions and 3D-rendered interactively explorable results (quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, nanowires).

Gerhard Klimeck

Purdue University  | USA

Gerhard Klimeck is the Reilly Director of the Center for Predictive Materials and Devices (c-PRIMED) and the Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) and a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. His research interest is the modeling of nanoelectronic devices, bridging the gap between material science and device engineering, and impact studies through science gateways. He is a fellow of the IEEE, American Physical Society, and the Institute of Physics. His over 400 peer reviewed papers resulted in a citation h-index of 49 on Google Scholar.


The living systems are composed of surfaces that depict textured architectures. Many such textures are known to influence pathophysiologic and physiological events. Nanotechnology provides exquisite control to make texture device surfaces at micro and nanoscale. These surfaces can easily biomimick living conditions to attract tumor cells much better than plain surfaces. There is interesting physics at nanoscale when cells interact with these surfaces. This tutorial will focus on the physical, biophysical and device level aspects of such textured microfluidic substrates.

Samir Iqbal

University of Texas at Arlington  | USA

Samir Iqbal, Ph.D., P.E. is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington, USA. He has published many scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. He has been invited around the world to give keynote speeches, plenary talks, seminars and workshops at conferences, meetings and symposia in the areas of nanotechnology, chip-based diagnostics and molecular electronics. He serves on a number of USA and international scientific grant review panels. He has also edited a book and serves on the editorial board of three journals. He earned his doctoral degree from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA and worked as a post-doctoral research associate at Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University before joining UT-Arlington. Dr. Iqbal is a senior member of IEEE, and serves as Publicity Chair for IEEE EMBS Technical Committee on BioMEMS. He is also member of American Physical Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Biomedical Engineering Society, Biophysical Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, European Society for Nanomedicine, and Sigma Xi, to name a few. He was a recipient of US National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2009. In 2011, he was chosen as Recognized Professor by Phi Kappa Phi. In 2013, Tau Beta Pi inducted him as Eminent Engineer and UT-Arlington selected him for Honorable Mention for Best Academic Advisor Award. In 2014, the College of Engineering at UT-Arlington nominated him for President's Award for Excellence in Teaching. He was awarded Sigma Xi Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award in 2014. In November 2014, he was inducted into National Academy of Innovators by UT-Arlington. Earlier this year, he was given the Best Research Mentor Award at his university.


In this three-hours hands-on tutorial you will perform atomic-scale simulations for various systems relevant for nanotechnology, namely nanotubes, MoS2 monolayer, and 2D tunnel field effect transistors. In particular, you will learn the basics for the use of the graphical user interface, Virtual Nanolab (VNL), in conjunction with the simulation code Atomistic Toolkit (ATK).
Thanks to the powerful GUI and the availability of many atomic-scale methods ranging from Density Functional Theory (DFT) to tight binding and classical potentials you will be able to complete all the analysis described below starting from scratch.

During the tutorial the complete VNL and ATK suite with an extended trial license will be provided and you will be guided through the following steps:

  • install and configure the software in just few clicks
  • create and modify your nano-structures
  • run your simulations to investigate: electronic properties such as band structures and band gaps, electronic transport properties, phonons and thermal properties such as vibrational modes and thermal coefficients of 1D and 2D systems
  • analyze and plot your results

So, remember to bring your laptop, whether it is running a GNU/Linux or a Windows operating system!

QuantumWise ( specializes in advanced solutions for atomic-scale modeling of nanostructures, and the primary aim is to commercialize the most advanced simulation techniques within atomic-scale modeling, in order to enable their usage in a commercial setting.
This requires knowledge not only of the methods, but also an insight into how such tools are used when companies attempt to extract commercial gain from novel technologies such as nanotechnology.
QuantumWise thus positions itself as a facilitator, by interacting with the research community via e.g. EU framework programmes on the one hand, to extract state-of-the-art methods and techniques, and companies that seek to utilize these tools on the other, and strive to package these advanced numerical tools in an easy-to-use package.

Umberto Martinez Pozzoni

QuantumWise  | Denmark

Umberto Martinez Pozzoni, Ph.D., is Scientific Specialist at QuantumWise in Denmark.
He received his PhD in Material Science at the University of Milano-Bicocca in 2009 with a thesis on properties of ultra-thin oxide films on metal. He then moved to a postdoctoral position at the iNANO center in Århus where he conducted research on the catalytic and photo-cataclytic activity of extended defect on titanium dioxide surfaces. After a research period at DTU in Denmark on designing new catalyst structures and concepts for automotive PEM Fuel Cells he joined QuantumWise.
He has authored and co-authored about 30 scientific papers in leading peer-reviewed journals.

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